som strategi
Vi tror en transmisjon mot grønnere energiproduksjon, utslippskutt og bærekraftige løsninger i prosjekter ikke bare er fornuftig, men avgjørende for å forbli en attraktiv arbeidsgiver og en foretrukket leverandør. Bærekraft vil i stadig økende grad bli lønnsomt.
Siden 2014 har vi jobbet aktivt med forretningsutvikling innen havvind og etablerte vårt første dedikerte havvindmiljø i 2016. Vår ambisjon er at mer enn femti prosent av omsetningen vår skal ligge innen fornybar energiproduksjon, elektrifisering & energioptimalisering, grønne industriprosjekter og bærekraftige bygge- og infrastrukturprosjekter.

Oppsummering og nøkkeltall
Head Energy er et uavhengig skandinavisk ingeniør- og konsulenthus som tilbyr et bredt spekter av produkter til land- og offshoreindustrien. Vi jobber med anerkjente kunder innen energi, anlegg og infrastruktur og industri.
Vi er ansatteeide, kundefokuserte og vekstorienterte.
Ett skritt foran. Energien vår bringer deg ett skritt foran.
Head Energy skal bli et pålitelig skandinavisk ingeniør- og konsulentkonsern.
Ansvarlig - Inkluderende - Innovativ - Ærlig
Vi løser krevende prosjekter.
Vi løser krevende prosjekter.
Endre energimarkeder - Industriell digitalisering - Utdatert infrastruktur - Urbanisering og smarte byer - Elektrifisering
Rådgivning – Engineering – Løsninger
Anlegg - Energi - Industri
Head Energy’s Sustainability Commitment
Climate change has emerged as one of the most significantglobal challenges of our time. The accumulation of greenhousegases in the atmosphere, primarily carbon dioxide(CO2), has led to unprecedented shifts in weather patterns,rising temperatures, and a multitude of environmentalconsequences.
Acknowledging the urgency to curb emissions, organizationsworldwide are increasingly adopting carbon accounting asa vital tool to understand and manage their environmentalimpact. 2022 was Head Energy Group’s base year for carbonaccounting and 2023 represents our first opportunity tomeasure development.
Head Energy’s Sustainability Commitment
Head Energy has long recognized its responsibility to reduceits environmental foot-print and contribute to sustainabledevelopment. With a focus on providing compre-hensiveenergy solutions, the company strives to deliver innovationwhile minimizing its impact on the planet. By embracingcarbon accounting, Head Energy aims to gain a deeperunderstanding of its emissions profile, identify areas forimprovement, and implement effective strategies to mitigateits impact on climate change.
Carbon Accounting Methodology
To accurately assess and quantify its carbon footprint, Head Energy employed a robust carbon accounting methodologyaligned with internationally recognized standards. The companycollected data from various sources, including its operations,supply chain, and employee activities. By calculatingemissions associated with business travels, commuting, andthe purchase of steel, Head Energy obtained a comprehensiveoverview of its carbon footprint for the base year of 2023.
Business Travels: Navigating Emissions
Business travels constitute a significant component of HeadEnergy’s carbon footprint. As a global company, travel is anessential aspect of its operations, facilitating collaborations,client interactions, and project management. However, italso represents a source of carbon emissions. This reportprovides an in-depth analysis of the carbon emissionsassociated with Head Energy’s business travels, exploringboth short-haul and long-haul flights, ground transportation,and accommodation.
Commuting: A Sustainable Workforce
Another key driver of Head Energy’s carbon footprint isemployee commuting. With a diverse workforce dispersedacross multiple locations, commuting emissions presentboth challenges and opportunities. By examining commutingpatterns, alternative transportation options, and telecommutingpractices, this report delves into Head Energy’s efforts toreduce its carbon footprint related to employee commuting.
Steel Purchases: Building Responsibly
The purchase of steel materials is an integral part of HeadEnergy’s operations, particularly in EPCIC projects onshoreand offshore. However, the production of steel is knownto contribute to substantial carbon emissions. This reportinvestigates Head Energy’s steel procurement practices,analyzing the lifecycle emissions associated with the steelsupply chain and exploring potential strategies to minimizeits carbon impact.
2023 – More Sustainable Growth
Head Energy Group delivered record revenues and solid growth in 2023. In absolute numbers, this contributed to20,7% higher CO2 emissions compared to 2022. Consideredthat Head Energy has experienced a total growth in numberof employees at over 26%, we have reduced CO2 emissionsper employee in 2023.
Further, due to modification projects being postponed in2023, our emissions connected to purchase of steel hasbeen substantially lower than in 2022.
In total, Head Energy Group has a 42,9% decrease in carbonemissions per employee from 2022 to 2023 (scope 1-2) anda 4,5% reduction in carbon emissions per employee from 2022 to 2023 (scope 1-3).

Words from the CSO
Sustainability - Our Ambitions.
A sustainable development is one that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
In 2023, Head Energy has taken significant steps in our internal sustainability efforts. This journey has been both challenging—requiring time and resources to master a complex field—but also incredibly inspiring.
We have introduced new reporting routines and systems across all departments and countries to comply with GRI standards. We have established quarterly sustainability meetings and positioned sustainability work within the group as a leadership responsibility, alongside finance and personnel management.
Our new sustainable business strategy will guide our future development and growth, as we recognize that sustainability equates to competitiveness. This means we will continue to adopt sustainable practices, implement efficient work processes, and create an inclusive and safe work environment for all employees.
Our success in sustainability depends entirely on the engagement, competence, and values of our employees. Therefore, we will continue to share positive sustainability stories within our company—such as the second-hand markets for clothes, furniture, and tools in Stavanger and Bergen, and the leasing of electric bikes for our employees.
We are also proud of our social responsibility efforts, supporting activities for children and cultural events that foster inclusive and vibrant cities, as well as our international aid projects in Tanzania.
In 2024, we will continue to implement and build on the sustainable initiatives from 2023, focusing on continuous improvement and innovation in all departments. The people in our organization are the key to our success—together, we will develop more sustainable solutions.
Together, we are Head Energy’s competitive edge.
UN Sustainability Goals
Head Energy Group acknowledges that due toour fossil-fuels background, we are part of theproblem and must step up our efforts and heightenour ambitions in making meaningful climate andsustainability impact.
We also view sustainability as a great opportunity to makea positive impact, to generate positive results, to build trustand to strengthen our competitive advantage.
Our sustainability work aligns with the United NationsSustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which integrateenvironmental, economic, and social development (ESG).
Based on our double materiality assessment, we havenarrowed our main UN SDG down to four relevant sustainability goals to align with our own ESG goals:
By focusing on these goals, we aim to address key areas thatcontribute to a sustainable future. Head Energy is committedto actively working towards these goals, integrating them intoour operations, and collaborating with stakeholders to makea positive difference. Through our sustainable strategy, westrive to create value not only for our business but also forsociety and the environment.
The prioritization has been based on where Head Energy hasthe greatest potential to influence society towards a moresustainable direction. The selection is justified by the stakeholderand materiality assessment conducted prior to thesustainability report. This chapter summarizes the activitiesand results related to our material sustainability topics,specific measures, and goals for further work at Head Energy.

Our ESG Goals
1. Reducing Climate Impact
- Reduce carbon emissions by 55 percent within 2030– from a 2022 base year.
- Net-Zero by 2045
2. Diversity & Equality
- Equal opportunities for all employees.
- Minimum ~40 percent gender balance on the Board ofDirectors from 2024
- Minimum 40 percent gender balance in managementpositions within 2030 (executive-, senior- and midlevelmanagement combined)
3. Employee Welfare & Safety+ value chain
- Zero major injures and serious incidents.
- Absence (sick leave) below 2,5% annually.
- Employee well-being score above 8,5 in pulsesurveys (Winningtemp – scale 1-10)
- Employee well-being score above 5,0 in employeesurveys (Third-party survey – scale 1-6)
4. Governance & Organization
- General client satisfaction score above 8,0 (annualsurvey – scale 1-10)
5. Ethical & Responsible Value Chain
- All suppliers shall adhere to our code of conduct
Extracting the findings from the stakeholder- and materiality analysis and aligning with the UN Sustainability Goals and the 1,5°Cambition, Head Energy Group has embraced the following sustainability goals: