Expanding the project management environment in Stavanger

Expanding the project management environment in StavangerExpanding the project management environment in Stavanger
building and construction

Head Energy PA has a growing environment and has now hired Jone Grande as project and construction manager in Stavanger.

Jone has over 25 years of experience in the construction industry. He worked for the first 10 years as a specialist in the field of formwork before taking up further education at the Technical School of Engineering. For the past 15 years he has worked as a construction manager, project manager and project manager in the field of construction and construction.

The background and experience of Jone is spot on for Head Energy PA. He is a solution-oriented and committed person and is going to blend right into our team.

— Bengt Frantzen

General Manager of Project Management, Head Energy PA AS

Increasing demand and satisfied customers

“Over the years, we have built up a strong culture at Head Energy PA. Our dedicated project managers strive to maintain a high quality of the services we provide, but still find it easy to turn around and follow up with the customer's needs and wishes. In addition, we are good at seeing each other and helping out where we can.

Head Energy PA has great span and breadth in the performance offered to customers. Here the entire project is covered from A to Z with project and construction management, project development, project management and SHA. Head Energy provides PA services in Stavanger, Bergen and Oslo and assists private and public builders in everything from looking at opportunities and ideas, to pre-project and implementation phases.

“We have an increasing number of assignments and are seeing customers coming back to us, which is very gratifying. In addition to the new hiring of Jone, we will receive another contribution to our growing PA environment just over the New Year, Bengt says.

Jone goes straight into the role of construction manager at the Norsea project in Risavika, where a workshop and warehouses will be established at the reception terminal for Halliburton. Head Energy PA is assisting in a number of subject areas on this major project, including search, geotechnics and VA.

“I'm really looking forward to becoming part of the Head Energy team, getting to know new colleagues and collaborating on new challenges and exciting projects. I am very grateful to have had this opportunity and am looking forward to moving forward,” says Jone.
Increasing demand and satisfied customers

Prosjektadministrasjon i Head Energy

Head Energy har engasjerte prosjektledere for både bygg- og anleggsprosjekter, og bistår private og offentlige byggherrer i alt fra å se på muligheter og ideer, til forprosjekt og gjennomføringsfaser.

Vi har høy kompetanse innen:

  • Prosjektledelse
  • Byggeledelse
  • Prosjektutvikling
  • Prosjekteringsledelse
  • SHA
Prosjektadministrasjon i Head Energy

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