Geology and environment
Environmental geology deals with the nature and impact of pollution in the earth, whether it comes from industry, mining, oil storage, waste landfills or large-scale development projects.
Our expert advisors, with formal education in environmental geology and broad experience, can support you throughout the process, from early phase to final reporting. We carry out environmental engineering ground surveys, take soil, rock and water samples and advise on contaminated soil and sediments.

We deliver
Head Energy Geo conducts geological advice including, among other things, complete landslide hazard assessments for steep terrain in accordance with NVE guidelines.
We offer the following services:
- Avalanche hazard assessments, avalanche modelling and avalanche protection
- Securing rock carvings
- Hydrogeology and Groundwater
- Georadar — mapping of loess and marshland
- Mapping geology, including fracture directions, rock quality etc.
- Mapping and sampling for acid-forming rocks
- Control engineer

Environmental surveys.
Head Energy Geo conducts environmental surveys with a primary emphasis on contaminated ground. Samples are taken either by own drilling rig, by excavator or by hand-held equipment where applicable.
Samples are sent to accredited laboratory and a condition report is provided based on current supervisors. If necessary, we carry out risk assessments and prepare an action plan and a final report summarizing what has been done. Head Energy Geo can also assist in case of need for assessments of the external environment.
We offer the following services:
- RIM in Projects
- Follow-up during construction
- Contaminated ground, sediment and water
— Surveys, action plans and mass management plans
— Risk assessments - Monitoring program
- Landfill
- External environment plans/ environmental monitoring programme
- Assist with environmental technical understanding in pigeon-dilligence processes when transferring property
All our products are manufactured according to the wishes and needs of our customers. Below are examples of products we have developed. Please contact us for details and prices.
Contact us.
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Become one of us.
The Head Energy group is growing and we are always looking for more skilled engineers and specialists.
With us you can become part of our skilled professional environment in maintenance & modifications, subsea & technology or electric power engineering or you can become a consultant and work for one of our attractive clients in oil & gas, renewable energy, construction & construction, infrastructure, aquaculture, industry and IT.